Research, Articles & Charts
Research, Articles
& Charts
As the authoritative resource on the dental benefits industry, NADP provides invaluable market research on enrollment, networks and outside forces that impact the industry such as consumers and employers. In addition, NADP publishes timely editorial content for various audiences such as brokers.
Statistical Reports shows annual research about the dental benefits industry.
State Fact Sheets detail enrollment, provider network information and plans operating in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. These were created as an educational tool for employers, brokers, providers and legislators and regulators about the dental benefits industry in their jurisdictions.
Other Research contains reports on factors affecting the market as well as industry best practice.
Presentation and Charts provides NADP Members enhancements for their presentations and reports with facts and graphics provided by NADP. Please note use of materials conveys agreement to the citation requirements accompanying materials.
Articles include content for broker publications and links to stories included it the NADP / ADA Top 10 Series, which explored issues from the viewpoints of providers and insurance carriers.