NADP Foundation: Request for Proposal
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NADP Foundation is a new foundation (established in 2023) that supports research, education, and activities that improve access to oral healthcare and the administration of dental benefits.
The mission of the NADP Foundation is to promote research and education initiatives that continuously improve access to and administration of dental benefits.
As part of the NADP Foundation's research and data strategy, we seek research and education opportunities aligning with our mission. This Request for Proposals (RFP) aims to invite researchers and educators to apply to undertake projects that aligns with the NADP Foundation's mission. Focus areas include activities that:
- Demonstrate improvements in access to oral healthcare
- Demonstrate innovations in oral healthcare delivery
- Support the advancement of the administration of dental benefits
- Enhance the dental insurance and dental benefits knowledge of oral health professionals and dental students
- The NADP Foundation expects to fund two to three projects in 2024 that advance one or more of the strategies above. Up to $50,000 may be awarded for any one project.
TIMELINE: Proposals open August 1, and there is a Q&A Time Period from August 15th, 2024 – September 13th, 2024. Proposals are due October 1st 2024 @5:00PM CST to nadpfoundation.com. Awards will be announced on December 13th 2024.
Proposals must be submitted in English in a commonly-used 11 or 12 point font. Proposal contents are below. There is a 1,500-word limit for the proposal (not including appendices).
- Information describing the applicant organization and third-party partners that will be involved in the project.
- Each proposal should speak to and include the following headings:
- Project Objectives
- Methodology
- Timeline (up to five milestones with dates)
- Deliverables and Expected Outcomes
- Final deliverable should be a summary report, including collateral materials developed during the project, to the NADP Foundation summarizing the project and its outcomes.
- Total Cost of Project
- Contact information of submitter.
- Collaboration among multiple institutions and stakeholders is permitted.
- Proposals should demonstrate innovation, feasibility, and potential impact.
The following appendices are required:
- Description of applicant’s capacity to perform the project (up to one-page) and/or letter of support from immediate supervisor
- Resume or CV of project director or principal investigator and co-investigators
- Budget submitted on NADP Foundation template (including in-kind contributions)
- Note: NADP Foundation does not fund an organization’s indirect costs.
The NADP Foundation encourages proposals that consider diversity, access barriers, and social determinants of health.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Potential Impact and Significance
- Capacity, Feasibility, and Methodology
- Cost-Effectiveness
- Alignment with NADP Foundation's mission and objectives
- Interested applicants should submit their proposals electronically in Microsoft Office formats or PDF to [contact email] no later than [submission deadline]. Late submissions will not be considered.
- RFP Release Date: August 1st 2024
- Q&A Time Period: August 15th 2024 – September 13th 2024
- Proposal Submission Deadline: October 1st 2024
- Evaluation Period: October 1st 2024 – December 2nd 2024
- Award Notification: December 13th 2024
Award recipients will be required to execute a grant agreement with the NADP Foundation.
For inquiries and clarifications regarding this RFP, please contact: