Add your voice to the chorus of industry representatives advancing consumer access to affordable, quality dental care through advocacy, research, education, and the promotion of dental benefits. Through NADP, you have a voice and a vote on issues that matter most.


As the authoritative resource on the dental benefits industry, NADP provides invaluable market research on enrollment, networks and outside forces that impact the industry such as consumers and employers. In addition, NADP publishes timely editorial content for various audiences.


As the industry voice and representative for dental benefits plans, NADP advocates for the industry's best interests when working with policymakers and a variety of key stakeholders via our core services of federal legislative and regulatory affairs and state-level advocacy.

Looking for a dental plan? Let us help you.
SmartBrief Logo

NADP SmartBrief is a weekly compilation of the top industry news from outside media sources published in this weekly eNewsletter featuring updates on carriers, oral health news and more. Members must opt-in to receive this communication.



NADP Leadership Conference

The annual NADP Leadership Conference is a members-only event. This conference provides opportunities to increase your leadership skills as you join with colleagues to provide direction for NADP programs and services while gaining insight and new perspectives on timely topics in the educational sessions. Leadership Conference brings together all of the NADP volunteer groups to share a vision of where the dental benefits industry and association are going over the coming year. Generally held in the winter, Leadership Conferences are traditionally face-to-face meetings.

CONVERGE Annual Conference

With a market share greater than 90%, NADP represents the vast majority of your prospective and current customers: dental plans. The dental benefit industry leaders and decision makers come together for two and a half days of dynamic networking and professional development opportunities at CONVERGE, the NADP annual conference. Visit for updates.

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