NADP Advertising


Why Advertise with NADP?

NADP is the only organization dedicated solely to the interests and advancement of every aspect of the dental benefits industry. Did you know the majority of NADP member company representatives  report they are involved in purchasing, approving, recommending or specifying products and services for their dental plan? And that’s just our members! Key decision makers in related stakeholder companies also rely on NADP’s website for research and education.

NADP understands that you want to stand out in the dental benefits industry. Attracting and retaining customers is a never-ending task. We have solutions to meet both sets of needs. NADP offers affordable advertising solutions for you to reach your target audience. These solutions are designed to deliver real results and give you the best return for your advertising spend.

NADP member stats for media kit


Primary Job Functions

Customer Services 1%
Data Management 1%
Systems & Technology 1%
Claims 3%
Accounting/Finance 4%
Strategy/Consulting 4%
Marketing 5%
Head Clinician, a dentist 6%
Actuarial/Underwriting 7%
Operations & Administration 7%
Sales 8%
Products 11%
Top Dental Executive 15%
Provider Network Management 18%

Purchasing Influence

Recommend 32%
No purchasing influence 25%
Decision Maker 24%
Evaluate 20%





Dedicated Email Sends
Knowledge Center

Contact Us

If you are interested in advertising, please contact us!