NADP Advertising
Why Advertise with NADP?
NADP is the only organization dedicated solely to the interests and advancement of every aspect of the dental benefits industry. Did you know the majority of NADP member company representatives report they are involved in purchasing, approving, recommending or specifying products and services for their dental plan? And that’s just our members! Key decision makers in related stakeholder companies also rely on NADP’s website for research and education.
NADP understands that you want to stand out in the dental benefits industry. Attracting and retaining customers is a never-ending task. We have solutions to meet both sets of needs. NADP offers affordable advertising solutions for you to reach your target audience. These solutions are designed to deliver real results and give you the best return for your advertising spend.
Advertise on
With more than 400,000 visitors per year, has considerable reach beyond our membership which includes consumers, healthcare industry professionals and more. Full payment for your digital placement is required at the start date of your schedule.
By the Numbers
In 2022, the average click-thru rate (CTR) for advertisers on was 0.25%. All advertisers received over 400,000 impressions and 1,200 clicks (This is a total amongst all advertisers for 2022).
Leaderboard #1
Dimensions: 728 x 90 pixels | Leaderboard #2
Dimensions: 728 x 90 pixels | Leaderboard #3
Dimensions: 160 x 600 pixels | Tile ads
Dimensions: 300 x 250 pixels |
Please note: Your ads on will rotate with other advertisers who have purchased the same space. You will be notified before you advertising contract ends in case you’d like to renew!
Consecutive months only for web advertising.
Note: Leaderboard #2 will appear only on home page and all landing pages for sections listed below:
The NADP Knowledge Center
The NADP Knowledge Center ( is the online store for invaluable market intelligence including research reports, conference and webinar registrations, membership directories and more! On the Knowledge Center, NADP Members and the public can register for upcoming NADP conferences, purchase live and recorded webinars, research reports, and more! With over 20k visitors per month and more than $3 million of products sold, you can see why this is a great platform for advertising!
- 3 months - $1,000
- 6 months - $1,500
- 12 months - $3,000
Skyscraper left - 230 x 600 pixels
- Image Formats accepted: GIF, PNG, JPG or Animated GIF (we are unable to accept Flash files)
- Consecutive months only for web advertising.
- Advertising will not be placed until NADP receives full payment.
- Please note: Your ads on will rotate with other advertisers who have purchased the same space. You will be notified before you advertising contract ends in case you’d like to renew!
NADP's Monthly eNewsletter
MonthlyByte offers detailed articles and features for the dental benefits industry, such as updates on advocacy efforts, research, education, and much more. Monthlybyte emails the last week of each month. All members are automatically subscribed to receive the Monthlybyte. When placing an advertorial or tile ad in the Monthlybyte, you will receive a report 2 weeks after the Monthlybyte is sent of who exactly clicked on your content and their contact information to follow up on leads. Readership includes almost 3,000 of our member companies' decision-makers, CEOs, and delegates... the people you want to reach!
An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of editorial content. Results from recent studies are showing a trend that Americans think advertorials, also known as sponsored content, or native advertising content — add value to digital content. This is especially true when the content is relevant, authoritative, and authentic. With an advertorial, you have complete control over the content, obtain credibility based on the NADP audience, you increase readership (both time spent with and awareness of your message) because your advertorial has created “content” which is more likely to be taken into account than a traditional ad.
Advertorial content is due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend
please submit that the following Monday.
Note: NADP will not publish the advertorial until we have received a signed agreement and full payment for the contract.
Content Requirements:
- Image 600 x 600 px max.
- Can be an animated gif, png or jpg (no flash)
- Provide a link
There will be 2 stories between each advertorial position placement.
NADP Graphic design services: $150 per ad design.
Advertorial Example:
Newsletter Tile Ads
- Image Dimensions: 200x400 pixels.
- File size: 25k maximum
- Image file format: PNG, JPG or GIF /
animated GIF. No flash.
Submission Deadlines
The artwork is due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend please submit that following Monday.
Please note: NADP does not publish a Sept. newsletter.
NADP Graphic design services: $150 per ad design.
Note: Beginning in 2022, if you sign a contract for 12 months for a tile ad or advertorial, you will receive the first right of refusal for the same spot before we offer it to other potential advertisers.
When placing an advertorial or tile ad in Monthlybyte, you will receive a report 2 weeks after the Monthlybyte is sent of who exactly clicked on your content and their contact information to follow up on leads. The artwork is due on the 15th of each month.
2022 Newsletter Stats
Where will my ad appear?
*New in 2023* Dedicated Email Blasts
NADP is offering dedicated email blasts as an advertising option. Advertisers will have the opportunity to send monthly emails to NADP’s entire contact list. Advertisers can design their email templates, or for $200 extra can pay NADP to create one for them. Dedicated emails garner more engagement. They work exceptionally well in promoting a specific campaign or announcement, such as a new product or upcoming webinars. Dedicated emails also will allow you more control over how your placement appears in the email.
- 1 month - $2,250
- 2 months - $4,350
- 3 months - $6,500
NADP email design services: $200 per design.
After you sign an agreement and pick your months, advertisers can submit their design or have NADP do it for them at an extra price. From there, advertisers can choose any date that is not already reserved in the selected month. NADP would prefer that each dedicated email blast by advertisers be spaced out by one week. (i.e., if advertiser #1 sends a dedicated email in week 1 of January, NADP would encourage advertiser #2 to send a dedicated email in week 2 to avoid email fatigue and unsubscribes).
All dedicated email blasts must follow NADP’s advertising standards and guidelines listed on page 27 of the media kit. The deadline to submit a design or content is 1 week before the scheduled delivery.
What is Retargeting?
Retargeting works by keeping track of people who visit our sites and displaying your retargeting ads to them as they visit other sites online. Retargeting keeps your brand front and center. Every time a CONVERGE attendee (or visitor) sees your retargeting ad, your brand gains traction, and more recognition. The click-through rates and increased conversions that are typical with retargeting campaigns underscore the value of good branding and repeated exposure. Our retargeting software, Feathr, partners with The Trade Desk for our retargeting audiences and utilize four Ad Vendors; Google Marketing Platform, Xandr, Microsoft, and Verizon Media Exchange for ad bidding through them. Ads are distributed through the ad bidding market (open ad exchange) in any participating website that is reached through the ad vendors and will be displayed according to ad bidding. So, we do not partner with any specific website for ad distribution, but most major social media outlets and websites ARE participating in the open ad exchange we are using for retargeting.
How Does it Work?
Why Retargeting?
Maximize visibility and increase ROI with digital ad retargeting
- Build your brand, create awareness, and increase conversions by retargeting our highly qualified audiences, wherever they visit online.
- Guaranteed Reach. Ad retargeting guarantees sustained, specific exposure to the exact qualified audience you’re trying to reach. No more guessing whether or not your ads are reaching the right people or if they’re being seen by your potential customers.
- Quantifiable ROI. Detailed analytics & reporting allow you to see your ad campaign results in real-time, including number of times your ad has been seen, number of clicks on your ad, and the geographical locations of where your ad has reached.
- 365-Day Engagement. Engage with customers and new prospects leading up to, during, and after CONVERGE with custom retargeting campaigns. When the event is over, the follow-up emails have been sent, and all traditional channels to reach attendees have been exhausted... RETARGETING to the rescue! Those cookies still exist, allowing you to continue reaching these beauty pros in the many months ahead!
With our retargeting package, you can reach our digital audience wherever they go. We retarget over 300,000 dental benefits industry professionals that visit and other NADP webites websites across social networks and major online publishers. An advanced, real-time bidding algorithm optimizes campaigns for maximum exposure.
Don’t Have a Creative Department? No Problem. NADP Can Design Your Ads! $300 per retargeting campaign!
Payment & Cancellations
Advertising is not placed until NADP receives payment for the full amount of your advertising.
Cancellations for advertising must be made in writing (email ) at least 30 days prior to your requested cancellation date. NADP will refund 50% for remaining months on your contracted schedule.
NADP Advertising Standards
The National Association of Dental Plans (NADP) seeks to inform its members and consumers of products and services that assist the promotion and advancement of the dental benefits industry to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care. Therefore, NADP welcomes advertising that furthers this goal. The following standards apply to all advertising that shall appear on NADP websites, emails, and communications:
NADP reserves the right to accept or reject advertising for any product or service at its sole discretion. The inclusion of an advertisement is not to be construed or publicized as an endorsement or approval by the NADP, nor may the advertiser promote that its placement of advertising is tantamount to approval or endorsement by NADP.
- The advertisement of products, services, or companies on NADP material is not endorsed by the NADP and is subject to final review and approval.
- First-time advertisers must receive final review and approval.
- The advertisement will not be accepted if it conflicts with or violates NADP policy, the NADP Mission, or NADP Bylaws.
- The advertisement shall not include claims not subject to independent verification or false, misleading, or deceptive.
- The technical and aesthetic quality of the advertisement shall be in keeping with the standard required by NADP, as evidenced by those advertisements previously placed in the past.
- NADP will not allow comparative advertising.
- The advertisement must not demean the dignity of the dental benefits industry nor promote a product or service that is detrimental to consumers’ dental health and safety.
- The advertisement shall only use the name of the NADP, any NADP council or volunteer group, or NADP member with prior written authorization.
NADP acknowledges and appreciates the extra effort put forth by advertisers in complying with the advertising standards and policies of the Association. Considering the great effort manufacturers may undertake in developing advertising campaigns, advertisers are encouraged to forward proposed advertisements in rough form, thereby minimizing any inconvenience caused by the review of advertising messages. In addition, these advertising standards aim to advise potential advertisers of the requirements to assure fair and uniform application. These standards shall be implemented and interpreted by NADP. The NADP will periodically review its advertising standards to keep pace with changes that may occur in the dental benefits industry.
Continuous review and reevaluation will improve and ensure the advertising content’s relevancy, timeliness, and appropriateness.
New NADP Members: Did your company join NADP as a member in 2024? As a thank you for joining, you will get 20% off if you sign a contract in 2024.
First-time advertisers: If you are a first-time advertiser with NADP, you will get 10% off.
2024 Exhibitors or Sponsors: Is your company exhibiting or sponsoring at 2024 CONVERGE? You can get up to 30% off advertising.
NADP Members: If your company is a member of NADP, you will always get receive 15% off of advertising.
These discounts do not apply to webinars.