NADP volunteers contribute to the success and growth of the association and industry through service to the following groups:


Commission on Policy Advocacy (CAP): The Commission on Advocacy Policy is responsible for 1) developing positions on industry‐related federal and state healthcare policy proposals, 2) responding to the impacts of federal healthcare policy proposals as they develop, 3) providing appropriate direction regarding advocacy positions to the Government Relations Workgroup, Exchange Workgroup, and NADP lobby resources.  Staff Liaisons: Bianca Balale and Fortune Chimaobi.

Communications WorkGroup develops, directs, and deploys a communications strategy to position NADP as the voice and thought leader of the dental benefits industry. Participation Standard: Accepts & completes article assignments, provides feedback on articles via conference call or Dental Interact. Staff LiaisonsRene Chapin and Lauren Oakley.  

Education Commission advances NADP’s mission by providing integrated educational forums, programs, and services, which deliver value to stakeholders of the dental benefits industry. Participation Standard: Complete 80% of tasks, including speaker ratings, city selections, and participation in conferences, webinars and conference calls, etc. Staff Liaisons: Jeremy May and Shayne Leatherwood.

Government Relations WorkGroup influences and improves the legislative and regulatory environment to protect and promote the dental benefits industry and consumer access to affordable quality dental care. Participation Standard: 80% participation standard by the company. “Participation” is defined as a conference call and in-person meeting attendance, information sharing via Dental Interact (DI) or email to staff, and participation in separate projects. Staff Liaisons: Bianca Balale and Katherine Lamb.

Government Funded Programs WorkGroup: The Government Funded Programs Workgroup (GFP WG) monitors, coordinates, and implements policy positions as outlined by the Commission on Advocacy Policy (CAP) regarding dental benefits offered in public programs, including Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP, and public insurance Marketplaces. Staff Liaisons: Bianca Balale and Fortune Chimaobi.

Membership WorkGroup* (formerly Membership Committee) is accountable for increasing and retaining NADP members. Participation Standard: Attend monthly conference calls and provide updates on recruitment & retention lists – plus quarterly outreach to selected companies on both lists. Staff LiaisonRene Chapin. 

NADPac Committee: NADPac is a multi-candidate, federal political action committee registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Contributions to federal candidates are overseen by the NADPac Committee, which meets several times a year. The NADP Board appoints the Committee to be representative of NADP membership. Staff Liaison: Mike Adelberg.

Research Commission supports NADP’s mission by gathering data and information to generate and disseminate industry knowledge. Volunteers typically are involved in their organizations’ Actuarial, Underwriting, Product Management, Provider Relations, Market Research/Competitive Intelligence, and Sales functions. Participation Standard: The voting member or alternate must attend at least one of the two in-person meetings. Staff LiaisonJerry Berggren. 

Terminology, Standards & Transactions

In 2018, the Standards and Transaction Initiative (STI) workgroups were reorganized into the Terminology, Standards & Transaction (TST) workgroups.

TST groups include:

Clinical  SubWorkGroup explores, informs, and comments on dental quality measure development and maintains NADP’s voting seat on the Dental Quality Alliance (DQA). In addition, the Clinical SWB will monitor various state reporting requirements for Medicaid and other programs, voluntary reporting entities such as the Wisconsin Collaboration for Health Quality (WCHQ), and who/how might need to report to such things as vaccine registries, now that there are CDT codes for vaccinations.  The SWG will also focus on health inequities and social determinants of health.  Staff Liaison: Tim Brown

Diagnostic Terminology SWG develops, reviews, and comments on proposed changes to diagnosis and reporting code set; supports NADP voting seats on SNOMED Dentistry Clinical Reference Group in developing dental diagnostic terminology. Staff Liaison: Tim Brown

EDI WorkGroup reviews and comments on mandated EDI transactions for claims processing, electronic funds transfer, and electronic health records; develop, review and comment on changes and updates in required EDI transactions on behalf of the dental benefits industry; liaisons with other state and national organizations engaged in the EDI arena; provides support for NADP voting seats on Dental Content Committee (DCC), Health Level 7 (HL7), Standards Committee on Dental Informatics (SCDI), and American National Standards Institute X12 (X12) including leadership positions on WEDI Dental Workgroup and X12 Dental Caucus. Participation Standard: 80% participation standard by the company. “Participation” is defined as a conference call and in-person meeting attendance, information sharing via Dental Interact (DI) or email to staff, and participation in separate projects. Staff Liaison: Brian Flynn

Operations WorkGroup develops, reviews, and comments on proposals for dental plan accreditation with accreditation organizations and federal representatives; develops, thoughts, and comments on proposals for uniform credentialing within dental benefits organizations and outside vendors; serves as liaison to dental service organizations (DSOs) and the Dental Group Practice Association (DGPA) on initiatives of interest to both including credentialing, onboarding and data sharing. Participation Standard: 80% participation standard by the company. “Participation” is defined as a conference call and in-person meeting attendance, information sharing via Dental Interact (DI) or email to staff, and participation in separate projects. Staff LiaisonBrian Flynn