NADP Dental Benefits Report: Plan Design Published
NADP published the 2020 Plan Design Report this week, and it is posted on the Knowledge Center. This report includes data on the percentage of dental-plan enrollees with specific benefit features like Max Rollovers, TMJ and Implant coverage, Orthodontia coverage, coverage of cosmetic procedures and Preventive and Diagnostic plans, and credits. The report is available to dental plan members as part of membership and available at a member price for non-voting members.
2021 Industry Research Calendar Coming Soon
The Research Commission will release the 2021 Industry Research Surveys schedule next week. Announcement of the schedule will be posted in the NADP Open Forum.
Q4 Dental Benefit Utilization Survey Deadline March 5
If your company has not yet responded to this survey, please do so by March 5. The survey can be downloaded from this link.
This survey has been extremely valuable for the NADP Advocacy team in their efforts to inform and persuade legislators and regulators in numerous states and in our collaboration with other industry stakeholders. The survey requests data on the number of claims per 1,000 enrollees by state for non-DHMO group, individual and Medicare Advantage plans by month, quarter and year. The quarterly reports have been available to participating companies. NADP will release an annual report based on the responses to this survey. Participants will also have access to the Excel data tables. The Final Report will be embargoed for 60 days and only available to participants during that time frame.
For more information contact Director of Research Jerry Berggren.