Your participation in the NADP research program adds value to your membership and the published reports. NADP is currently collecting data on the following:
NADP Enrollment Survey: The NADP Enrollment Report is the cornerstone of all NADP Statistical Reports on the dental benefits industry. This survey is for any company offering standalone dental plans and/or dental benefits embedded within medical plans. Your participation in this research effort makes it possible for NADP to provide reliable and comprehensive data about the dental benefits industry.
We are still accepting responses to the Enrollment Survey. Please submit your company’s response as soon as possible.
NADP Plan Design Survey: This survey collects information about Annual and Lifetime Maximum levels, deductible levels, and the percentage of enrollment with products with unique features. The survey includes several changes from last year, including removing questions related to TMJ and those pertaining to Preventive and Diagnostic Only Plans for groups. We’ve added new inquiries related to the coverage of implants and teledentistry-supported procedures.
Due date: July 1
Download Form
Gain Market Insights with Consumer Tracking Study
Enhance your marketing strategies with insights gained from the recently published NADP Consumer Tracking Study. This in-depth study covers oral health and dental visitation, oral health education and information and consumer behaviors for various groups including
- Employers and non-Medicare individuals,
- Medicare enrollees
- Healthcare exchange enrollees
Choose from the following options in the NADP Knowledge Center:
2021 NADP Consumer Tracking Study (PDF)
2021 NADP Consumer Tracking Study Crosstabs (Excel)
2021 NADP Consumer Tracking Study Data File (Excel)
All of the above- PDF Report, Crosstabs and datafile
For more information contact Director of Research Jerry Berggren.