
Research Reminders

Dental Plan Membership is a two-way street. Participation in NADP’s Industry Research surveys does more than allow NADP to publish reports on the industry, providing valuable insights and data on the Dental Benefits Industry; dental plan participation gives NADP the knowledge and tools to represent better member interests with other stakeholders like regulators, legislators, other dental stakeholder groups, consumers, and the press. Member participation in industry research is essential to maintaining NADP’s reputation as a respected and reliable voice for the dental benefits industry.  Do your part and submit data for the following surveys:

The NADP Enrollment Survey is the cornerstone of all NADP Statistical Reports on the dental benefits industry. This survey is for any company offering standalone dental plans and/or dental benefits embedded within medical plans. Your participation in this research effort allows NADP to provide reliable and comprehensive data about the dental benefits industry.

The NADP Plan Design Survey collects information about Annual and Lifetime Maximum levels, deductible levels, and the percentage of enrollment with products with special features. The survey includes several changes from last year, including the removal of questions related to TMJ and those related to Preventive and Diagnostic-Only Plans for groups. New questions relate to the coverage of implants and teledentistry-supported procedures.

  • Due Date: TBD, Form Coming Soon

For more information, contact NADP Director of Research and Information Jerry Berggren.

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