NADP’s Network
Adequacy subgroup meets weekly to provide guidance and tackle the
ongoing rush of state network adequacy legislation and regulations.
NADP provided recommendations this week to the North Carolina
Department of Insurance (DOI) on network adequacy related to dental
plans. NADP is a participant within the DOI’s Network Adequacy Working
Group, which is walking through the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC) Network Model Act to determine what is relevant and
should be implemented in North Carolina. Through discussions with the
DOI, they are looking to include dental-specific metrics to measure a
dental carrier’s network.
Dental Network Subgroup has been hard at work drafting specific
recommendations for North Carolina with NADP’s Commission on Advocacy
Policy approving the final comments. The NC DOI requested feedback on
the NAIC Model sections 5 and 7. In our letter, NADP includes:
- Recommendation 1 – Utilize Medicare Advantage dental metrics
- Recommendation 2 – Exempt dental from Section 7
- Recommendation
3 – Include a dental-specific section to any network regulations to
simplify and streamline all network requirements to avoid duplicative
NADP has been monitoring bi-weekly network adequacy meetings/calls held by the Tennessee
Department of Insurance and Commerce. Similar to the NC DOI, they are
also walking through the NAIC Model Act. NADP made an inquiry with the
department, who responded they plan to exempt excepted benefits from
network regulations. NADP will review their proposed language once
released to substantiate their assertions.
NADP is also watching Maryland, Massachusetts, and Oregon
who are hosting network adequacy discussions. NADP is also moving
forward on a review of current and past state network adequacy
For full details, subscribe to the Advocacy Open Forum in Dental Interact.