By Board Chair Jeremy Hedrick, Careington International
During our recent Strategic Planning process, NADP adopted a new mission statement. Currently our volunteer groups are finalizing their operational tactics to support the high-level initiatives in the Strategic Plan. This month, I want to highlight the new Strategic Plan and some current NADP activities supporting the association’s mission.
Strategic Plan Highlights
NADP’s mission is “to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care through advocacy, research, and the promotion of dental benefits.” Included in the Strategic Plan is the following Strategy Statement, which explains how NADP accomplishes its mission:
“As the recognized voice of the dental benefits industry, NADP will help its members better serve consumers through knowledge, information, awareness, and shaping public policy. To achieve this, NADP will focus on its core competencies of research, education, advocacy, and engagement with organizations that promote improvement in oral health.”
Serving as your representative
Serving as the voice of the dental benefits industry, NADP continually advocates on your behalf on a variety of state and federal issues. Currently NADP is representing our members on key state issues with the potential of becoming national trends. First, NADP is gathering critical data to oppose dental loss ratio (DLR) legislation in Maine. (See related information in the Advocacy Open Forum of Dental Interact).
Second, NADP will host a Delegate – CEO call on Dec. 3 to discuss a DLR ballot initiative in Massachusetts. NADP emailed background information to member delegates in advance of the call. To ensure there is enough bandwidth to accommodate all member plans, NADP has asked each member plan to limit participation to no more than two representatives each. Notes and follow-up information will be shared after the call.
Meanwhile the Codes WorkGroup successfully completed its review of submissions for CDT 2023 and is planning to represent our members at the upcoming American Dental Association Code Maintenance Committee.
Providing Valued Resources
NADP also continues to serve as your resource, providing timely educational content and research to help you succeed. To that end, the association is currently preparing for a successful Leadership Conference and collecting proposals for 2022 webinars. (See related articles).
The Research department is finalizing multiple 2021 reports and preparing for 2022 while the Communications WorkGroup continues to add content to See the newly revamped Oral Health page for information you can use to promote the value of dental benefits.
To help members receive the maximum benefit from the Legislative Online Tracking System (LOTS), the advocacy department hosted a members’ only training webinar earlier today (Nov. 30).
To keep our voice strong, the Membership WorkGroup continues its recruitment and retention efforts.
As you can see, there’s a lot going on at NADP. The above list is just a quick glance of some of the activities designed to help you succeed. Should you have any questions or comments about the direction of NADP, please contact me.