
NADP On The Move in 2024

Throughout the year, NADP served as the voice of the dental benefits industry to key stakeholder organizations and the media.


Seven NADP staff traveled nationwide to represent the dental benefits industry at 18 meetings and conferences. This included continued representation in front of technical and clinical organizations like X12 and Dental Quality Alliance, the Code Maintenance Committee, and speaking at conferences hosted by the Group Underwriters Association and Skygen. Government Relations staff continued to represent the industry at key meetings held by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and National Conference of Insurance Legislators. They spoke at several state legislative events. NADP staff also made first-time speaking appearances at meetings hosted by the Dental Trade Alliance and Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

Media Interviews and Topics

Oklahoman: Medical Loss Ratio (MLR)

CT Inside Investigator –MLR

Seattle Times – – Affordability of healthcare in the Northwest.

News Release Highlights:

NADP and ADA Achieve Loss Ratio Compromise at NCOIL

NADP Push for Greater Access to Dental Benefits Gaining Traction in Congress

NADP Revitalizes its Foundation.

National Association of Dental Plans Celebrates 35th Anniversary

NADP Celebrates Passage of Key Dental Benefit Legislation Enhancing Transparency and Consumer Choice

NADP Report Reveals Overall Decrease in Dental Benefits Enrollment


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