NADP and ADA Achieve Loss Ratio Compromise at NCOIL Model legislation offers middle ground solution on loss ratios 1/26/24 DALLAS, Texas – – The National Association of Dental Plans (NADP)…
Read More…The NADP news release, NADP and ADA Achieve Loss Ratio Compromise at NCOIL, was distributed to the national wire where it received 2,800 views, 797 unique readers and 455 placements…
Read More…Association (ADA). A recent statement by the ADA asserts that they “fought diligently to achieve this important reform,” and so did NADP. As with most compromises, all parties can point…
Read MoreThis content is an exclusive benefit for NADP members. If you’re a member of NADP, login, and you’ll get immediate access. If you are not yet a member of NADP,…
Read More…Nevada passed a lower loss ratio based on a long pre-existing regulatory requirement in the state. When we tally up all the states with dental loss ratio requirements— seven states…
Read More…opposition to these bills. Also happening in Massachusetts is an effort to put dental plan medical loss ratio on the ballot. It includes loss ratio requirement, reporting and financial reporting,…
Read More…Health Policy Insider – Amy Lotven interviewed NADP Executive Director Mike Adelberg regarding loss ratios. See Dental Plan Lobby Warns Loss Ratios Could Drive Groups to Self-Insure, Dr. Bicuspid –…
Read More…Dental Loss Ratio/Reporting Dentist trade associations have been advocating for years to include a dental loss ratio (DLR) into state laws and unsuccessfully tried to include it in NCOIL’s most…
Read More…the Northwest. News Release Highlights: NADP and ADA Achieve Loss Ratio Compromise at NCOIL NADP Push for Greater Access to Dental Benefits Gaining Traction in Congress NADP Revitalizes its Foundation….
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