
by Board Chair Ron Bolden, Cigna

A time of evaluation and preparation

With a new board and volunteer groups in place, NADP is now planning for the continued success of our organization. To ensure we’re heading in the right direction involves both reviewing where we have been and where we want to go.

Evaluating Our Progress

Because the current Strategic Plan is in effect through 2020, NADP leaders will be reviewing the progress made on the plan’s five High-Level Initiatives:


  • HLI #1: Address emerging political shifts by improving NADP’s positioning with political and policy leaders to influence positive dental benefit policy outcomes at the federal & state level.


  • HLI #2: Execute a strategy for the Terminology, Standards and Transactions Workgroups to apply their expertise in providing a united industry perspective on issues related to the use of terminology and data for the clear exchange of dental health information in the operation of dental plans.


  • HLI#3: Increase collaboration and partnerships with other dental industry stakeholder organizations.


  • HLI#4: Expand NADP’s scope and influence to enhance the association’s role in representing members and an expanded range of stakeholders across the dental industry.


  • HLI#5: Pursue opportunities that focus on the consumer (employees, employers and individuals) as both the purchaser of dental benefits and the end user of dental services, as well as providers and brokers.

This evaluation will involve Board members and volunteer groups. This month many NADP volunteer groups have held introductory calls with new and returning volunteers where they provided updates on their workplans supporting the Strategic Plan. Further review will occur in 2020 during Leadership Conference and quarterly calls with the Board and volunteer group chairs and vice chairs.

As part of our evaluation of NADP’s progress, Board and volunteer group leaders will also review the recent Environmental Scan, revised in 2018, to assess if there are any needed updates or additions, based on current market trends.

Preparing for Continued Success

Every year NADP volunteer leaders and the Board of Directors gather at the Leadership Conference to chart the course for the coming year. As part of this process, they review both progress and work to be completed under the current Strategic Plan. They also review the mission statements for their groups and develop their annual workplans. This year, they will also participate in the development of the next strategic plan via a process outlined by the Board.

To advance the development of the next Strategic Plan, NADP staff will meet in December to discuss the direction for their respective areas so they can support volunteer leaders in this process. Throughout the year, volunteer leaders will have multiple opportunities to offer feedback regarding the Strategic Plan, and the NADP Board will review and incorporate this feedback as they develop the next Strategic Plan.

Developing a Strategic Plan for NADP is an important way our members contribute to the success of the dental benefits industry and the association. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank every NADP volunteer and their member companies for helping to mold and shape our industry. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding NADP membership, please contact me.

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