As legislators return to Washington D.C., NADP will be watching for any movement on the 21st Century Cures Act,
as it may include Equitable Treatment legislation (H.R. 3463/S. 3422).
This act also addresses biomedical innovation, FDA standards, opioids
and the cancer moonshot initiative. The bill is a stated priority of
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan and
House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton. Read more on the
lame-duck health agenda from Politico:
Treatment legislation (H.R. 3463/S. 3422), the Aligning Children’s
Dental Coverage (ACDC) bill, has strong bipartisan support in both
chambers, who recognize this as a necessary technical fix to the
Affordable Care Act (ACA).
While the
future of Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Exchanges are in question
under a new administration, enacting ACDC to provide Equitable Treatment
in the private market would provide relief to medical and dental
carriers as the replacement for ACA coverage is developed and in states
that may try to continue a reasonable assurance policy. Regardless of
the outcome on this measure, the conversations NADP advocates have had
with policymakers on this topic raised the industry’s profile on the
Hill, which will be critically important as broad health care policy
changes are considered.
We thank and appreciate everyone who participated in the recent Call to Action
on Equitable Treatment and look forward to a strong response on the
Hill and continuing to build relationships with members of CONGRESS and