As a service
to our members and the dental benefits industry, NADP annually collects
information from member plans about their participation in the federal
healthcare marketplace. Earlier this month, NADP sent a survey to member
plan delegates to determine if their plan is seriously considering
offering separate dental policies in the Exchange in 2021. Feb. 28 is the response deadline for the Intent to Offer Stand-alone Dental Plans (SADPs)
Survey, conducted at the request of the Center for Consumer Information
and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO). Submit survey data to Director of
Research and Information Jerry Berggren.
In addition to
intent to offer SADP on Exchanges, CCIIO is also asking carriers to
specify counties in which they intend to seek Exchange-certification for
offerings off the Exchange. CCIIO is requesting this information to
anticipate workflows in the plan certification process and to better
identify access to dental benefits as dental plan participation on
Marketplaces fluctuates.
The Affordable
Care Act requires Qualified Health Plans (medical carriers) to include
pediatric dental benefits embedded within their medical policy when a
stand-alone dental policy is not available in an enrollee’s service