The majority of states have adjourned their legislative sessions for the year and NADP has prepared a summary on key bills from 2021. The Government Relations Workgroup (GRW) met twice monthly during the first five months of the year to analyze nearly 180 bills, the most significant of which are mapped and described below. Not included in this wrap up are bills pending in Massachusetts’ year-round legislature, which pertain to issues such as loss ratio reporting and assignment of benefits. Pandemic Relief There were multiple bills that would attempt to recoup money from insurers to providers for money lost during the COVID-19 and future pandemics. NADP worked to remove dental plans from these bills. California SB 242 (pending) – Would have required insurers to reimburse dentists for medically necessary operations during the COVID-19. The California Association of Dental Plans (CADP) successfully influenced this bill to amend it to future pandemics California A. 454 (held on suspense) – Would have required insurers to provide grants and cash payments for expenses. CADP worked to influence this bill and it is held on suspense for now. New Jersey A. 4538 (pending) —Requires dental insurers to provide credits to policyholders for reductions and delays in utilization during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. NADP was able to secure positive changes to the bill and dropped opposition. The Rhode Island SB 709 (held for study) — Prohibits certain deductions, requires coverage where there is a pre-existing conditions or any earlier treatments, mandates pandemic rollover benefits, and an annual report on dental coverage. NADP was opposed and the bill Washington SB 5169 (passed) – Insurers are required to reimburse providers for PPE during the state of emergency related to COVID-19. After conversations between NADP and Washington stakeholders, stand-alone dental plans were not included. Billing Issues Numerous bills addressed provider billing issues, such as over payments, non-covered services, and virtual credit cards. These issues have been a focus at recent National Council of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) meetings where dental models have been developed. Louisiana SB 82 (passed) — Adds dental insurance benefits to the Health Insurance Issuer External Review Act. An amendment set a $250 claim minimum threshold to go to external review. NADP opposed this legislation. Missouri SB 401 (dead) — This downcoding bill appears to inhibit dental plans’ ability to apply alternate treatment language, deny treatment that is not medically necessary, and apply usual and customary charges. The bill did not have any activity Nevada SB 269 (passed) — Imposes requirements governing the recovery of overpayments under a plan that provides dental coverage and prohibits a dental insurer or the administrator of a plan that provides dental coverage from denying a claim for which New Jersey A. 4820 (pending) — Prohibits certain provisions in agreements between insurance carriers and participating dentists and would permit dentists to balance bill patients for expenses above and beyond that which is paid for by their dental plan. North Dakota HB 1154 (passed) — This bill relates to prior authorization of dental services, dental networks, and payment of dental claims. NADP was successful in getting a MLR provision removed. Texas HB 1934 (dead) —This bill relates to overpayment recovery and third-party access to provider networks for certain insurance policies and benefit plans that provide dental benefits (network leasing). NADP worked with sponsors of the bill to Network Leasing Network leasing was a perennial issue this year as a result of the most recent dental related model law coming from NCOIL. NADP was successful in getting changes to most bills to better conform to the model law. Connecticut HB 6589 (passed) — This bill concerns third-party access to participating dental provider contracts, otherwise known as network leasing. NADP was able to secure some changes but opposed this legislation. Idaho SB 1124 (passed) —This bill is regarding contracts with providers of dental services and virtual credit cards. NADP worked with stakeholders to improve opt-out language in the network leasing section. Kansas HB 2386 (dead) — Addresses network leasing, prior authorizations, and virtual credit cards. It did not receive any activity this session. Louisiana HB 387 (passed) — NADP was able to secure positive changes on notifications and remained neutral. South Dakota SB 1073 (passed) — Authorize dentists to void certain contract terms with insurers. NADP, along with industry partners, worked with the state dental association to improve the bill. Utah HB 359 (passed) — Regulates dental claims and dental leasing contracts. NADP was able to secure a change on opt-out language. Telehealth Telehealth expanded rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemic and legislators across the country hoped to cement the flexibilities granted by the states into law. As a result, many legislatures defined teledentistry. Colorado SB 139 (passed) — Requires each dental plan issued, amended, or renewed in this state to cover services offered to a covered person through telehealth. New Mexico SB 200 (passed) — Redefines teledentistry to mean the use of electronic information, imaging and communication technologies, including interactive audio, video and data communications as well as store-and-forward technologies, to provide and Oregon HB 2508 (passed) — Requires dental plans pay the same reimbursement regardless of whether a service is provided in person or using telemedicine. Furthermore, despite requirements for “audio only” coverage, the bill would apply to stand-alone Texas HB 2056 (passed) — Concerns the practice of dentistry and the provision of teledentistry dental services. Among other provisions, the bill requires a health benefit plan to provide coverage for teledentistry dental service provided by a contracted Dental Loss Ratio/Reporting Dentist trade associations have been advocating for years to include a dental loss ratio (DLR) into state laws and unsuccessfully tried to include it in NCOIL’s most recent dental model legislation. NADP was successful in preventing several of these bills from passing this year and will continue to advocate against attempts to require a DLR. Arizona HB 2869 (passed without DLR) — There was an amendment that ultimately was not considered to this budget bill that would have given interested parties a chance to review the annual medical loss ratios of dental insurance companies by requiring a filing with Maine LD 1266 (carried over) — This bill would have established a minimum medical loss ratio of 80% for dental plans and require rebates to be provided in any year in which a dental plan’s medical loss ratio is less than the minimum. NADP, along with industry Montana HB 321 (dead) — This bill would impose limitations on down coding by dental plans, prohibit the use of virtual credit cards, and require insurance companies publish loss ratios on company websites. NADP proposed amendments and submitted testimony. Nevada SB 391 (dead) — This bill originally included a reporting Dental Loss Ratio but was dropped and primarily turned into a teledentistry bill that was ultimately vetoed by the governor. Non-Covered Services Ohio HB 344 (pending) – This bill defines noncovered services. Ohio does not currently have an NCS law. Rhode Island HB 5160 (held for study) — This bill attempted to redefine “covered services” for dental, deviate from the NCOIL definition, and remove the application of some contractual limitations. NADP, along with industry partners, sent a letter in opposition, Vermont HB 294 (dead) — Addresses noncovered services and virtual cards. It did not have any activity this session. Electronic Communications Illinois SB 493 (passed) — Requires all dental plan carriers and dental care providers to exchange claims and eligibility information electronically Texas SB 2124 (passed) – Enables dental plans operating within the state to transition from paper-based to electronic delivery of certain customer communications. NADP supported this legislation. |