Research Report

2022 NADP Dental Benefits Report: New Enrollment

The Dental Benefits Report: New Enrollment is a new report for NADP but has been tracking this data for 3 years. The purpose of this report is to provide a benchmark for new business based on enrollment presented as a percentage of total in-force enrollment. This report provides data by product (DHMO, DPPO and Dental Indemnity) , by product channel (fully insured, self-insured, and Individual), and by state and nationally. The Research Commission intends this report to help provide a gauge on annual dental benefit enrollment growth.

Respondent companies represent 37% of the commercial market. Of companies reporting, enrollment in new businesses represented 28% of their total commercial dental enrollment.

While national and state information is provided in this report, no company-specific data is reported. Company-specific information, along with states of operation, can be found in NADP’s Member Directory.


  • Full-Voting Member: FREE
  • Non-Voting Member: $250
  • Non-Member: $495


For questions about this report, please contact Jerry Beggren.