December 2015
Serving as your authoritative industry resource, NADP Research delivered its standard reports and provided significant support to other NADP activities. The standard reports issued this year: Metrics Report: In conjunction with LIMRA, NADP published three metrics reports: Claims Processing, Customer Contact Center and Administrative Processes. Sales Reports: Also in conjunction with LIMRA, NADP made the quarterly sales reports available to participating members. Enrollment: The Delta Dental Plan Association (DDPA) partnered with NADP to deliver the Enrollment Report to dental plan members in August 2015. The report was updated in December to show 64& of the population with dental benefits at year-end 2014. Network Statistics: Also in cooperation with DDPA, in September 2015, NADP published the Network Statistics Report. This report requested the actual provider database managed and maintained by each participating company. As a result of this methodology, all dentists participating in a provider network have been counted individually. Thus, the outcome is a census of all dentists participating on any provider network rather than an estimate. And new this year, participation in networks by Metropolitan Statistical Area was included for the first time. Financial Operations: NADP fielded the annual Financial Operations survey again this year, but due to insufficient response was not able to publish this report. Premium Trends: NADP implemented dramatic changes to the Premium Trends Report in 2011. This report no longer reports new premium trends, but is limited instead to In-force premium trends for DHMO, DPPO and Dental Indemnity products. The report was published in January of this year. NADP anticipates issuing the 2015 report in January 2016. Shared Research: NADP continued a multi-year survey of employers with the third wave of the study conducted in February. The intention has been to assess employer knowledge of the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect their business and track their actions related to health and dental insurance as the ACA’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) exchanges are implemented. The original schedule for this study was modified just after the first wave of the tracking study was completed because SHOP exchange implementation was delayed. The final wave will occur in May/June 2016. Also, this year, NADP conducted a survey of consumers. The report was issued only to participating companies in November.
Additional activities supported include the following: This year Research has also provided support for the Commission on Advocacy Policy assisting with advocacy efforts in related to a Dental Loss Ratios and other issues as they arose. In addition to these special projects, Research supported the Education Commission by coordinating and analyzing evaluations of educational content via CONVERGE and NADP Webinars and continued support assisting in responses to the press. Following are links to the 2015 Statistical Reports: |