Jan. 2020
Provider Directory Validation Program – A Member Benefit To help our members save time and money, the NADP Operations WorkGroup has developed the Provider Directory Validation Program (PDV), featuring a uniform spreadsheet with data elements agreed upon by industry representatives. Several dental plans and DSO members have already participated in PDV and have favorable results. More About the Provider Directory Validation Program
How Your Company Can Increase Participation To make this program even more successful, the Operations WorkGroup is asking member plans and DSOs to try the PDV spreadsheet when responding to your next directory update request and let us know what you think. NADP and the Operations WorkGroup are committed to providing useful resources for all our members – both plans and DSOs. Won’t you help make this project as successful as it can be? Participate and share your feedback today. Find more information about PDV on in the “Resources Section – Members’ Only (login required) or contact Dental Informatics Manager Brian Flynn (927.458.6998 x 109) |