
By Dr. Mary Lee Conicella, Aetna, Nominations Committee Chair

Cultivating leaders is a top priority for NADP. That’s why the Nominations Committee wants all plan members to know there is a petition process where they can self-nominate or submit nominations for Board candidates. The Nominations Committee is currently developing an initial slate of Board nominees and invites you to participate via the petition process.



Here’s how to submit a petition for Board nominees:

  1. Before August 23, submit a Nominating petition for each nominee to the NADP Board Secretary Jeff Schwab and Executive Director Eme Augustini with signatures from five (5) plan members.
  2. Complete the Professional Reference section of the Board Nomination Guide and all other sections.
  3. Send copies of all materials to NADP Executive Director Eme Augustini.

If you’re looking to take your volunteer service to the next level, consider serving on the Board of Directors. If you have any questions, contact Executive Director Eme Augustini.

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