



August / September 2020 Edition


By NADP Board Chair Ron Bolden, Cigna

It is an exciting time to be a member of NADP. With autumn approaching, we continue to deliver our core services as we plan for the future.


Education is an NADP core service and CONVERGE is its cornerstone. In less than a month, NADP will host virtual CONVERGE 2020. This annual conference offers more than 20 hours of professional development programs and multiple opportunities to connect with our friends and colleagues online. I am looking forward to this unique event and hope you are too.

A quick glimpse of the CONVERGE schedule displays the wide range of relevant educational topics available, presented as both live and pre-recorded content. In addition, all sessions will feature a live Q&A. One advantage of the virtual format is that you can listen to all the sessions in the line-up because all of them will have a recorded option available.

Advocacy Advancements

Advocacy is also an NADP core service. NADP continues to serve as the voice of the dental benefits industry on multiple state and federal issues impacting our industry.

I encourage you to read the State Wrap-up article in this newsletter highlighting legislation and regulations, COVID-19 resources, and an update on the National Council of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) model act regarding network leasing. In addition, check out the federal updates in this newsletter covering multiple issues, such as:

  • COVID-19 stimulus package legislation
  • Investigation by House Energy and Commerce Committee on insurer financial performance
  • Federal tax credit legislation for personal protective equipment
  • Primary care agreement rule from the Internal Revenue Service
  • Clarification on Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program

Shared Research Program

Also, a core service, the NADP Research program provides market intelligence on various aspects of the dental benefits industry. NADP has issued the call for Shared Research participants for both employer and consumer studies. These behavioral studies offer insight into perceptions and attitudes regarding dental benefits for a fraction of the cost of conducting similar research on your own. Results of these studies are available to participants only. Contact Director of Research Jerry Berggren for details.

CDT Licensing Program

An additional NADP core service is industry collaboration with key stakeholder organizations such as the American Dental Association (ADA), X12 and Health Level 7 (HL7). As a result of collaboration with the ADA, NADP negotiated the CDT Licensing Program in 2004. The program continues to save NADP members money today. This year, NADP licensees saved $266,033 collectively on the CDT license while individual company savings ranged from $420 to $40,760. In addition to savings on license fees, program participants also receive early distribution of the new Codes.

Planning for 2021

To lay a strong foundation for 2021, NADP is preparing the following:

  • Call for 2021 Volunteers will begin after Labor Day and conclude Sept. 30. Both new and returning volunteers will be asked to complete the volunteer application. I encourage you to consider serving on a volunteer group.
  • Business Meeting and Board Election preparations are underway. NADP notified delegates regarding the initial slate of board nominees. The notice included a quorum proxy form with options to participate in the virtual Business Meeting, which will take place Sept. 30 via the NADP webinar platform. Election of board members will begin immediately following the Sept. 30 meeting and continue through Oct. 16.
  • The Future of Dental Care Access Task Force held a high-level introductory meeting in August to review the trends of accessing and financing dental care as they may concern the industry and Association, dental providers, dental insurance consumers, policymakers, and the public. The board-appointed Task Force will hold subsequent meetings beginning in September as they explore expectations and patient experience of the future.

The above summaries provide only the highlights of recent NADP activities – all designed to advance the association, the industry, and members we serve. Should you have any questions or comments about NADP, please contact me.


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