Maine LD 1266, introduced on March 25, would establish a minimum medical loss ratio of 80% for all dental plans and require rebates to be provided in any year in which a dental plan’s medical loss ratio is less than the minimum. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Heather Sanborn, is the chair of the Health Coverage Insurance and Financial Services Committee (HCIFS), a joint committee of the Maine House and Senate.
During an April 14 hearing on the bill, NADP submitted written or oral testimony on the detrimental impact that the bill would have on Maine dental consumers and employers. During the two-hour hearing, public health dentists and several dental carriers who serve consumers in Maine urged Committee members not to advance the legislation and instead focus on ways to improve access to quality oral care in the state. LD 1266 is scheduled for a Joint HCIFS work session on May 4 at 10 AM EST. NADP will be in attendance and anticipates receiving questions from HCIFS members during the working session.
Contact Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs Teresa Cagnolatti for more information.