NADP – AADOM Collaboration Starts With Survey of AADOM Members
Last Summer, the Future of Dental Care Task Force initiated a collaboration with AADOM to find a way to address pain points that Dental Offices commonly experience in working with dental insurance plans. At AADOM’s annual conference, NADP and AADOM announced the initiative to AADOM’s membership and that the first phase of this process would include a survey of AADOM members. A Task Force to develop a survey was formed last November and is currently working to finalize that survey. NADP expects to present the findings at AADOM’s Insurance Conference in early May, and the findings will be shared with the appropriate volunteer groups as we prepare for the next phase of the collaboration with AADOM to identify opportunities to educate dental offices on best practices and areas where the industry can work to reduce the friction that exists between the dental offices and the payors.