July 2015 |
Members Track State EHB Decisions; Upcoming Project to Collect Plan Documents NADP members and volunteers continue to track state decisions on new state essential health benefit (EHB) benchmarks for use beginning in 2017. The following are the most recent updates posted in Dental Interact (DI). It is likely CMS will post all 51 state decisions in a notice for public comment in August, which could then be finalized in the fall.
Of the 15 or so state decisions tracked in the EHB Grid, just over half will no longer need to supplement their benchmark with either FEDVIP or CHIP for dental as the medical benchmark includes such benefits. Government Relations and Exchange Policy Workgroups plan to compile plan documents and track the dental services included in each of the benchmark plans. Because the medical plans with embedded dental being chosen now for 2017 would have been based on the 2014 dental supplement, it’s unlikely there will be changes in the benchmark related to dental; however, carriers and NADP volunteers will want to review the benefits in case the medical plan was able to offer any new or different services compared to the 2014 benchmark. If you have additional state updates or benchmark plan documents, please send them to Eme Augustini or post them in Dental Interact (DI). |