
Over the past month as state legislatures reconvene there have been numerous dental legislations introduced. NADP has been tracking the below bills:

  • Two bills in Kansas on non-covered services (HB 2545) and transparency and overpayment (HB 2546)
  • A network leasing bill in Minnesota (HB 2673)
  • In Kentucky, there was a kitchen sink bill introduced that includes network leasing, prior authorization, assignment of benefit, virtual credit cards, and non-covered services (HB 370)
  • A downcoding and bundling bill in Oklahoma (HB 3023)
  • New Jersey balance billing bill re-introduced (S. 765)
  • Both network leasing and non-covered services included in Indiana bill (SB 136)
  • Two bills in South Carolina on Least Expensive Alternative Treatment Clause (HB 4588) and pre-existing conditions (HB 4589)


Please contact Government Affairs Analyst Tyler Shrive with any questions.

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