Dental Utilization Trends Returning to Pre-Pandemic Norms Per NADP Research
The NADP Dental Benefits Report: 2023 Utilization Trends indicates variability in quarter-to-quarter utilization data decreased significantly in 2023, returning to a pattern similar to pre-pandemic levels. The Report includes 2023 data on non-DHMO dental insurance paid dental procedures per 1,000 enrollees by month, state, and benefit sponsor (Group and Individual). Included is supplemental data supplied by Fluent (formerly known as P & R Dental), which includes the percentage of all claims by CDT Code category and by service tier. This data is reported by month on state and national levels.
The report is available for download or purchase in the Knowledge Center at the following prices:
- Full-Voting Members: $0
- Non-Voting Membres: $395
- Non-Members: $895
For more information, contact Director of Research and Information Jerry Berggren.