



October 2015


Chair’s Corner by Theresa McConeghey, Principal Financial Group

At NADP, fall is a very exciting time as it signals new beginnings for our volunteer groups and the Board of Directors. This year is no exception. Plans are underway for a highly successful 2016, including the upcoming Leadership Conference and Advocacy in Action fly-in in January.

Likewise there has been a transition in leadership of the NADP Board of Directors. I am thrilled to be taking the reins as the new board chair. I am also pleased Immediate Past Chair Chris Swanker, Guardian Life Insurance, will continue on the Board and Executive Committee to offer his insight regarding NADP and our industry.

At the heart of success for NADP are our volunteer groups who develop and execute the work plans in support of the Strategic Plan’s five High Level Initiatives.

Speaking from personal experience, I have found volunteering to be beneficial on both a professional and personal level. Serving on volunteer groups has helped me gain a deeper knowledge of the industry, polish my leadership skills and tackle new challenges. I have exchanged thoughts and ideas with my fellow industry leaders during my service as a volunteer.

I am fortunate to work for Principal Financial Group, which places a high value on volunteering. In addition to Board representation, Principal has volunteers on the following NADP volunteer groups: Commission for Advocacy Policy, Research Commission, NADPac Committee plus the Communications, FAIR Health and Government Relations WorkGroups and all four workgroups comprising the Standards and Transaction Initiative (STI): Clinical, Codes, EDI and Operations. NADP volunteers provide the leadership, skill and expertise that advances our association and industry. They:

  • Direct federal and state policy positions; provide expert testimony and comments on the wide array of issues impacting our businesses. The volunteer groups who drive our advocacy efforts are:

o    The Commission on Advocacy Policy

o    The Exchange Policy WorkGroup

o    The Exchange Technical WorkGroup

o    The Government Relations WorkGroup

o    NADPac

  • Represent the unique needs of our industry niche to a wide range of stakeholders by holding voting seats on standards organizations and through collaborative work with organizations such as the American Dental Association. The volunteer groups who lead these efforts include:
    • STI Clinical WorkGroup
    • STI Codes WorkGroup
    • STI EDI WorkGroup
    • STI Operations WorkGroup
    • FAIR Health WorkGroup
  • Lead the development of valuable industry knowledge and content offered as in-depth research reports and educational programs such as CONVERGE and webinars. This content provides invaluable intelligence about our industry and factors affecting the marketplace such as employers, consumers and regulators. The Research and Education Commissions propel us forward as an association and industry through their valuable contributions to our membership.
  • Create a communications strategy to position NADP as the voice and thought leader of the dental benefits industry via outreach to consumers, employers and brokers. The Communications WorkGroup is in charge of this initiative and coordinates with other volunteer groups who serve as subject matter experts.
  • Promote the value of the organization to our industry and to our members. The Membership WorkGroup recruits new members while also reaching out to current members to remind them of the benefits of our organization.

As you can see, NADP volunteers provide the peoplepower and knowledge that keeps our organizations on track and in-charge.

In 2014, The Independent Sector estimated the value of volunteering at $22 per hour. I believe the value of NADP volunteers is even more, because we’re getting the best of the best leading our organization. NADP is fortunate to represent the full spectrum of our industry – that includes every product and business model in the marketplace today. The value of that type of knowledge and wisdom is more than the sum total of hours spent on a program.

NADP volunteers make a difference in our industry and in our association. They also make a difference in your membership experience as they enhance it 10-fold. This week NADP will notify individuals regarding their 2016 volunteer assignments. Look for announcement of 2016 volunteers in next NADP newsletter.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank all NADP volunteers for serving our organization and industry. Should you have any questions about NADP program, please contact me at






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