



December 2016

by Theresa McConeghey, Principal

Our NADP membership is as diverse as our industry. We represent every business model – from vertically integrated companies, multi-line carriers, dental stand-alone companies to single-state, national and regional plans, for-profits and non-profits. Although diverse, we share the same mission: to advance the dental benefits industry and improve access to quality oral care. This mission binds us together as members of NADP. As 2016 draws to a close, I want to highlight some of the stellar achievements NADP members have made in support of our mission.

  • Advocacy in Action (AIA): During our inaugural Congressional fly-in, legislators heard from our industry as dedicated volunteers and staff discussed our key industry issues, including consumer choice (equitable markets) and subsidies (Advanced Premium Tax Credits or APTC) for pediatric dental benefits purchased in the exchange (see related story in “Advocacy Accomplishments in 2016”).
  • Consumer Choice/Equitable Markets: HB 3462 was part of a hearing on ACA amendments in the House within months of AIA and was the only bill with bipartisan support during the hearing. While the bill’s provisions were not included in the CURES bill that passed late in the session; sponsors remain committed to include the provisions in early 2017 amendments to the ACA. NADP’s meetings were also key in obtaining Senate sponsors for a companion measure, S 3244.
  • APTC Victory: NADP achieved a monumental victory earlier this month when the U.S. Treasury published Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC) in the Federal Register with the correction for pediatric dental subsidies. Treasury indicated it wanted to get the rules surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on the most sure footing before the transition in administrations and that this correction to the formula was a priority in those efforts. NADP’s leadership in identifying the issue with the formula, quantifying the impacts, obtaining Congressional and stakeholder support for the change and communicating with Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service was acknowledged as critical to the obtaining the change. While there is no certainty that the change will be put into effect during the transition in the ACA anticipated under the Trump Administration, having dental included in the corrected formula can be helpful in discussion of future iterations of tax credits or tax deductibility of benefits.
  • Industry Intelligence: NADP provided industry research to strengthen our advocacy positions and improve our ability to succeed in the dental benefits market through the annual statistical reports on enrollment, networks, premiums and an array of operational metrics. NADP also provided valuable Consumer and Employer Shared Research Reports to strengthen your company’s messaging and marketing efforts.
  • Timely education: This past year NADP expanded CONVERGE and webinar curriculums to include programs regarding government funded programs in addition to numerous timely, relevant industry topics to help us succeed.
  • CDT Licensing Program: In addition to receiving the new Codes earlier than past years, our members saved a grand total of $228,682 on 2017 CDT licensing fees over standard American Dental Association charges. Savings for individual companies ranged from $392 to $39,248 per license.
  • Industry Connections: NADP represented the dental benefits industry and built strong working relationships by collaborating with industry trade associations such as the Life Insurance Council of New York (LICONY), the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) and the California Association of Dental Plans (CADP) in addition to our longstanding collaboration with the Delta Dental Plans Association (DDPA) on key issues impacting our members.
  • We increased name brand recognition among brokers with articles in their magazines, the weekly publication of SmartBrief and participation of our staff at the NAHU meeting.
  • Likewise, our outreach to consumers grew as we shared the message, “dental benefits are essential to good oral health.” At year-end, we had more than 3,750 consumers following us on Twitter, with that number increasing daily.
  • NADP continued to make strides in our common core credentialing project, which moved into Phase 2 testing.
  • We established the DSO Advisory Council to add value to associate membership and enhance communications between the NADP Board and dental support organization members.

The above list only skims the surface of all that NADP has accomplished this year on behalf of our members. This issue of the Monthlybyte serves as a “year-in-review.” I encourage you to read the updates from the various NADP programs to get a sense of all our organization does in advance of our mission. NADP is successful because of our members, especially our dedicated volunteers who provide the talent and direction for our all our programs and initiatives. I want to take this moment to thank everyone who served on a 2016 volunteer group. We appreciate your contributions to NADP and our industry.

Finally, I want to close by wishing all our members a safe and happy holiday season. Should you have any questions about NADP, please contact me at



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