Gabryl Award Winners

Jeanne Hensel

Humana Insurance Company

Volunteer Service

  • Provider Practice Capacity Initiative
  • Professional Relations Commission
  • PRC Content Subgroup
  • Board of Directors
  • Education Commission
  • Exhibit/Sponsorship Subgroup Chair
  • Exhibit/Sponsorship Subgroup Vice Chair

2013 Professional Biography

Laying a foundation for increased communication between dental plans and organized dentistry through publication of a series of industry articles plus long-term volunteer leadership earned Jeanne Hensel, National Director Specialty Benefits with Humana Insurance Company, the prestigious Gabryl Award, the association’s highest honor.

Jeanne attended the initial NADP conference in 1989 and has served on volunteer groups almost continuously since that time.  In 1997 she was Vice-Chair Exhibit/Sponsorship Subgroup of the Education Commission and became sub-group chair the following year (1998).  In 2003, Hensel became a member of the Provider Practice Capacity Initiative, which became the Professional Relations Commission (PRC). In 2004 she was one of the three original presenters for the NADP Dental Benefits 101 Virtual Seminar, which became the basis for the association’s first on-line training program. In 2005 and 2006 she was the PRC Vice-Chair. Jeanne became Chair of the PRC Content Subgroup in 2006, which she continues to chairs today. She has received three (3) Star awards and was nominated for the Gabryl Award in 2006.  From 2007 – 2012, she served on the NADP Board of Directors. In her role as PRC PR Chair, Jeanne is contributing to the development of a standardized presentation of the dental benefits industry for various audiences and most recently, redirected the PRC PR Workgroup to collaborate with Dental Service Organizations.

Jeanne has more than 29 years of experience in the health benefits field, 27 of which are devoted to the dental insurance segment. In her current position as National Director Specialty Benefits with Humana Insurance Company, she leads and directs dental network growth and retention. She began her career with PrimeCare Health Plan in Milwaukee as Director of Administration. Two years later she entered the dental side of the market as the Administrator for Professional Dental and then moved to a spin-off company, Wisconsin Dental Service, as COO.  In 1995 she served as Vice President of Lake Country Dental Plan, which was acquired by Employers Health Insurance in 1995, which was, in turn, acquired by Humana in 1996.  She moved into her current role at that time.  Jeanne attended Milwaukee Area Technical College with concentration on English and Psychology.