
To help NADP members maintain a competitive edge, and support multiple association initiatives in advocacy, communications and EDI. In 2019 NADP published the following reports providing valuable industry intelligence and benchmarks. In addition, NADP conducted a Consumer Study to provide insights about behaviors and factors affecting the dental benefits industry.

Statistical Reports on the Industry

State of the Market Report
This industry primer includes highlights from the previous year’s statistical surveys such as trends on enrollment, premiums, customer service and claims processing. The report also has a section on “What to Expect.”

State Fact Sheets
NADP State Fact Sheets provide key, state-specific data on the dental benefits market and highlight pertinent statistics about the national market. State-specific information includes statistics on enrollment and dental workforce, with national data on enrollment trends, change in premium, product funding, offerings by group size and enrollment in dental benefits by household income.

NADP Dental Benefits Report: Provider Networks
Receive a 360-degree view on dental networks with the NADP Network Administration Report, part of a series of reports on the size and scope of provider networks, management practices, and the regulatory and legislative activities affecting provider networks. This report highlights the legislative activity around Non-Covered Services, Network Adequacy, Accessibility and Directories and Network Leasing at the state and federal levels. It also reports the number of dentists listed in DHMO and DPPO directories by location (state and Metropolitan Statistical Area) and by dental specialty. The report includes two files: a report highlighting legislative activity, network statistics and listing of the counts of dentists listed in provider directories; and a spreadsheet that includes the counts of dentists participating on networks.

NADP 2019 Dental Benefits Report: Plan Design
Gain industry insight with the NADP Plan Design Report, which includes data reported by product type (DHMO, DPPO In-Network, DPPO Out of Network, and Dental Indemnity). The report also includes data about Annual Maximum levels, enrollees reaching the Annual Maximum, Lifetime Orthodontia Maximums, Deductible levels, and information about the percentage of enrollment with products with special features like Max Rollover, Implant coverage, TMJ coverage, Preventive and Diagnostic plans, and plans with coverage for cosmetic procedures.

NADP/LIMRA 2018 U.S. Group Dental Claims Processing Metrics
Discover industry specific benchmarks regarding, contact center and claims processing performance with this report, the ninth, and final, report conducted in a series with LIMRA.

2019 Dental Benefits Report: Enrollment
The cornerstone of NADP Statistical Surveys, the Enrollment Report presents trends, plan and funding sources and state information by dental plan product and offers current information about the prevalence of dental benefits in the U.S. population. NADP has been collecting this information since 1994 and the findings in this report draw on this history. This report contains specific information on Dental HMO, Dental PPO, dental Indemnity, and Discount Dental enrollment at the national and state level and Direct Reimbursement and publicly funded benefits at the national level.
Coming Soon- The 2019 Financial Operations Report

NADP anticipates finalizing the 2019 Financial Operations Report in early 2020.

And for participants only, NADP partnered with LIMRA for an annual Sales and IN-Force survey and quarterly sales surveys for the first and second quarters of 2019.

NADP’s partnership with LIMRA for the Sales Surveys and for the Claims Processing and Customer Contact Center Metrics surveys ended with this years’ Claims Metrics Report. NADP will continue to publish reports on Clams Processing and Customer Contact Center Metrics, and will collect data on Annual Sales growth going forward.

Behavioral Studies

Through the Shared Research Program, NADP annually recruits program participants to sponsor research on Employer and Consumer studies. These studies gather information behaviors and perceptions, and expectations regarding dental benefits. Results of the studies are released to program participants. Only the Consumer Tracking Survey was fielded this year. NADP recruited sponsors in the fourth quarter and plans to release the findings to participants in early 2020.

NADP research reports are possible because of the participation of our dental plan members and the concentrated efforts of Research Commission members. For more information, contact Director of Research Jerry Berggren.



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