August 2015
NAIC Summer Meeting Wrap-up NADP attended the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) summer meeting, held in Chicago, Aug. 15-18. Multiple items impacting dental benefits were part of the ongoing meetings and discussions. Read more for highlights.
With the intense scrutiny on both medical and dental networks, and with only about a dozen of states currently rhaving dental network adequacy standards—an increase in regulationfrom adoption of its model is likely. NADP and carriers will need to be vigilant as states work to update statute or pass legislation; NADP’s subgroup will have language specific to dental ready for states to incorporate if it seems an exemption for dental networks will not succeed. An internal document pulls together the dental exemptions and drafting notes for easier reference.
The models are now being discussed to reflect ACA changes, which carriers argue (minus a few technical changes) should not be changed as the Model oversees HIPAA-excepted benefits which are not part of the ACA. Consumer stakeholders are advocating the models should change and evolve to better reflect market reforms, such as Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) standards, especially as the ACA doesn’t address them. As one regulator stated “Dental is somewhat caught in the middle.” NADP and carriers will need to watch developments on these models closely. Calls related to these models are expected to startsoon.