

Primary Contact Information

The primary contact will receive important information from the exhibit hall contractors. This needs to be the main point of contact for communications with NADP about exhibitor information.
Best phone number to reach you
For contact onsite at conference
Billing Address(Required)



NADP Member Non Member
Before March 29 $2,700 $3,000
March 30 - June 3 $2,950 $3,250
June 4 - Sept .13 $3,200 $3,500

Each booth includes two complimentary registrations. Additional booth personnel can register for CONVERGE at the rates below:

  • Before March 29 - $895 per person
    • March 30 - June 3 - $995 per person
      • June 4 - Sept. 13 - $1,095 per person
        • After Sept. 13 and onsite - $1,295 per person


          • One 10’x10’ booth space

          • 8’ back drape and 3’ side drape

          • One 6’ draped table

          • Two chairs and one wastebasket Identification sign (7” x 44”)

          • Two full registrations

          • Attendee list access after securing a booth

          • Security service for non-exhibit hours

          • Listing on and in mobile event app

          • Recognition on entrance unit and printed material

          • Ability to schedule appointments in the Discovery Zone

          Additional furniture, carpet, electricity, Internet access and all other accessories must be handled directly with NADP’s Exhibit Official Services Contractor (OSC) as provided in the Service Manual/Exhibitor Kit. Computer equipment may be obtained from NADP’s designated AV vendor. Registration of additional booth personnel at a discounted rate (see below).

          Please refer to the Service Manual/Exhibit Kit for order forms and process for all additional services (to be emailed to Primary Contact listed on exhibitor application 45-60 days prior to show opening

          CANCELLATIONS: NADP will refund Exhibit Booth fee minus $300 processing fee if cancellation of exhibition space is received on or before 5/30/25. No refunds will be made on cancellations received after 5/30/25.

          SECTION 2) EXHIBITOR LISTING Deadline: June 30, 2025

          Please upload your company logo (PNG, JPG or GIF) and also use the space below to provide a description of products/services. NADP will not guarantee exhibitor’s information to be posted on the Exhibitor Listing Page if exhibitor fails to submit information by June 30, 2025 deadline.
          Drop files here or
          Accepted file types: (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp), Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 5.


            These Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations are part of NADP’s CONVERGE Application & Agreement for Exhibit Space (“Application”) and should be read carefully before signing the application for exhibit space. After completing the Application for exhibit space, please forward a copy of the Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations to the person(s) in charge of your exhibit on-site for reference.

            1. Payment and Provision in Case of Default — If any exhibitor fails to pay, when due, any sum required by the Application, or if any exhibitor fails to perform any other term or condition of the agreement or fails to observe and abide by these Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations and those outlined on the Application NADP reserves the right to terminate this agreement immediately without refund of any monies previously paid.
            2. Cancellation of Agreement for Exhibitor — Cancellation of exhibit must be directed in writing to the NADP office. If cancellation of exhibition space is received on or before 6/30/2024, the Exhibit Booth fee will be refunded minus a $300 processing fee No refunds will be made on cancellations received by NADP after 6/30/2024.
            3. Cancellation of additional exhibit staff registrants — Cancellation of additional exhibit staff must be directed in writing to the NADP office. If cancellation of additional exhibit staff is received on or before 6/30/2024, the fee will be refunded minus a $100 processing fee per person. Substitutions can be made in writing at any time. Refunds will only be made on cancellations received by NADP after 6/30/2024.
            4. Nature of Exhibition — The NADP Annual Conference exhibits provides for a showcase of products and services either specifically designed for or customarily used in the dental benefits industry. NADP reserves the right to refuse rental of display space to any company whose display of goods or services is not, in the opinion of NADP, likely to be compatible with the general character and objectives of CONVERGE.
            5. Subletting of Exhibit and Prohibited Uses — Exhibitors are prohibited from assigning or subletting a booth or any part of the space allotted to them, nor shall they exhibit or permit to be exhibited in their space any merchandise or advertising materials that are not a part of their regular products, or which are not compatible with the character of the NADP. Only those products and services that meet the definitions of "dental benefits services or products,”nas set forth by NADP, may be displayed or promoted at the show.
            6. Assignment of Space — To determine the order of booth selection NADP uses an exhibitor priority points system. The system awards points to exhibitors based upon membership in NADP, the date a contract or LOI is received, number of consecutive years exhibiting, financial level of support of sponsorship.
            7. Setup Time — All times are tentative and subject to change. Exhibits must set up on Monday, September 23, 2024 between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. There will be no set up time on Tuesday. Exhibit setup is not allowed during exhibit hours. Tear down begins on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 2:00 pm-5:00 pm.
            8. Check for preliminary Conference Exhibit Hours (subject to change).
            9. Dismantling of Exhibits — The dismantling of exhibits is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 2:00pm – 5:00 pm. Exhibits must be removed or prepared for packing by 5 PM on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Exhibit tear down in whole or in part is not permitted during exhibit hours. Failure to comply with setup and dismantle hours may result in the forfeiture of points Exhibitor is responsible for making arrangements with the General Services Contractor to obtain packing materials and shipping instructions.
            10. Insurance and Liability — Exhibitor hereby assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and save the NADP Headquarters Hotel, its owners, its operator, Managing Agent, and each of their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, officers, directors, and agents harmless against all claims, losses or damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by its installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or a part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by the sole gross negligence of the Hotel and it employees or agents.
            11. Security — Regardless of the provision of security by NADP, it is understood by the exhibitor that the nature of the facilities available, the presence or circulation of large numbers of people, the difficulty of effective supervision over and protection of large numbers of removable articles in many booths, and various other factors make it reasonable that each exhibitor shall assume the risk of any such injury, loss, or damage. The exhibitor, by signing the Agreement, thereby assumes such risk and expressly releases NADP and its members, officers, representatives, and employees from any and all claims for any such loss, damage, or injury. If, in any case, said premises shall be destroyed by fire or the elements or by any cause, or in case government intervention or regulation, military activity, strikes, or any other circumstances make it impossible or inadvisable for NADP to hold the conference, then and thereupon the Agreement shall terminate and the exhibitor shall waive any claim for damages or compensation, except the pro rata return of amount paid, after deduction of actual expenses incurred in connection with the conference, and there shall be no further liability on the part of either party.
            12. Use of Space — All efforts to advertise, demonstrate and operate the exhibit must be conducted so as not to trespass on the rights of other exhibitors or visitors.
            13. No exhibit will be permitted which interferes with the use of other exhibitors' spaces.
            14. Hotel Suites and Meeting Rooms — Entertainment, meetings, plant tours, or similar activities held in hotel suites, meeting rooms, or other private or public facilities may not be scheduled so as to encourage conference attendees to be absent from the NADP conference and other official functions.
            15. Official Service Contractor — will provide exhibit setup services and is available to handle special needs. Additionally, NADP staff will be on site to assure exhibitors' needs are addressed.
            16. Shipping and Temporary Storage — See Alliance Nationwide Exposition Exhibitor Service [need new link] Kit for specifics.
            17. Exhibitor Information and Service Kit —Official Services Contractor (OSC) will email the primary contact listed on the exhibitor application a link to the OSC’s website approximately 45-60 days before show opening. The OSC website will provide exhibitors with complete shipping instructions, production information, and other forms for all services needed during the exhibition's installation, show period, and removal. All items ordered by exhibitors will be invoiced to them directly.
            18. Amendments — NADP reserves the right to interpret, amend, and enforce these Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations. Written notice of any amendments or interpretations shall be sent via e-mail or in writing to each exhibitor. Each exhibitor, for himself, his agents, and employees agrees to abide by all Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations set forth herein, or by any subsequent amendments or interpretations.
            19. Enforcements — Any exhibitor not abiding by the Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations set forth herein or in subsequently issued amendments will lose part or all its company’s priority status in future NADP exhibitions and may altogether lose the privilege of exhibiting.

            These Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations will be strictly and uniformly enforced.


            It is understood that by signing this application for exhibition that the company and its representatives are required to abide by all conditions as printed in the NADP Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations attached hereto.

            Any exhibitor not abiding by the NADP Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations will lose PART or ALL of its company's priority status in future NADP Programs and Exhibitions and may be barred from exhibiting at NADP's discretion. The Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations will be strictly and uniformly enforced.

            I hereby acknowledge that I have received the NADP Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations as amended, have the authority to bind my firm to this Agreement, and commit that our firm will abide by these Rules and Regulations. It is understood that these Agreement Conditions/Rules and Regulations are a part of this Application & Agreement.